Navigating the DSPortal
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Assuming you are successfully logged-in, let's take a look at the features of the DSPortal.vIn this section we will guide you on how to move through and use the DSPortal effectively. The DSPortal consists of 2 navigation sections:
the Header Navigation
the Left Panel Navigation
You can switch between available deployment environments in the switcher at the top right of the page.
Every deployment environment has its own central components and its own connectors. Only organizations and users are shared.
Because the connectors are separated, every environment has its own catalog with its own data offers.
On the left side of the UI, the Data Space Portal is structured into six main sections, each serving a distinct purpose. You can access each section from the left navigation panel. Below is a brief description of each:
The Home section and its Data Catalog is your landing page within the Data Space Portal if no direct links are used.
You can view all public data offers in the dataspace in an overview
as a list
in a grid
You can click on any data offer to see details, like the connector endpoint
You can search use the universal search to find a data offer using any attribute
You can use (dynamically determined) available filters to filter offers by organizations for example
The availability of this feature is dependent on the Portal's configuration determined by your Dataspace Authority
You can see the historical uptime of components connected to the Portal (DAPS, Crawler)
You can see an overview of how many connectors are online/offline
You can export following reports in CSV format
Information about all registered connectors
Information about all public data offers in the dataspace
Historical information about component downtimes and system stability
This section is designed to manage and view the organization participating in the data space. Here, you can see detailed information about your organization, your data offers and the connectors of your organization.
This section allows users to view and manage their organization’s details. It provides a centralized interface to view and update organizational information, manage users, and configure settings.
You can switch to "My Profile" and "Users and Roles" tabs as needed.
About "My Profile" tab:
You can view details about your own profile
You can edit following user information in your account
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
When changing your email, you will need to confirm and use it on your next login attempt
Phone Number
You can delete your profile, there are some conditions which are as follows
All references to you (field "invited by" etc.) will be removed
All connectors you have registered will be transferred to your organization's admin
If you are the only admin in your organization, you must be the only member to delete your account
The organization will also be deleted, all connectors registered will also be removed
"Users and Roles"
You can view all members of your organization and display their profile details
"My Data Offers"
This is a shortcut to the Data Catalog with pre-applied filters to display your organization's data offers
"My Connectors"
You can view your organization's registered connectors and display their details
This section provides a filtered view of the Data Catalog, allowing to specifically browse the data offers created by your organization. This enables efficient tracking and oversight of the organization's data offers within the dataspace, which are viewable for every participant.
This section provides an overview of all connectors of your organization that have been set up, enabling to monitor their status and ensure proper integration with the dataspace. It also allows for creating and adding new connectors.
This section is dedicated to the operators of a data space who deploy and manage the central components of the data space in the infrastructure and manage the different environments of the Data Space.
As an operator, this area provides you with an overview of the different connectors, their type and status.
As an operator, this area provides you with an overview of the central components in the data space you provide and enables you to provide additional central components such as a digital clearing house or other future components
To learn more about the Operator Admin role, please read the section Application role: Operator Admin.
The Service Partner section is dedicated to service partners of the data space, who provide connectors for other data space participants by deploying and registering these connectors for other entities within the data space.
This section enables the service parnter with direct access to all provided connectors and their status.
To learn more about the Service Partner Admin role, please read the section Application role: Service Partner Admin.
This section is intended for administrators of the data space and includes advanced features for managing the Data Space Portal and the organizations in the data space.
As a data space authority, all organizations registered in the data space can be viewed and managed here. New organizations can also be invited.
This is a central point for viewing all connectors and their status and further details.
To learn more about the Authority section, please read the documentation: Authority Section.
The Support section is intended to assist users with any issues or inquiries they might have while using the Data Space Portal. Please note that this section requires integration with a support system of your choice to be fully functional.